On March 2nd, 2017, execon & KEX AG welcomed the 20 consortium partners to the first report meeting in Aachen. The study´s research team made up of members of execon, KEX AG, the Fraunhofer Institute for production technology, the fir / RWTH Aachen, the WZL / RWTH Aachen, presented 200 potential applications of industry 4.0 technologies for the process industry, that stem from the fields as disparate as smart assets, supply chain management, production processes, quality control & HSE compliance, formulation/ packaging and logistics. Out of these 200 applications, the consortium partners selected 9 for deeper investigation in the subsequent phases of the study (technology assessment, and business feasibility assessment).
Prof. Dr. Frank Piller presented a remarkable key note about “The Challenge of Business Model Innovation in Process Manufacturing”. A visit to the DFA demonstration factory completed this exciting day.