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Business model innovation in the chemical industry

Business model innovation in the chemical industry

Business model innovation in the chemical industry

What it is, when it makes sense

Business model innovation is one of the ‘hot topics’ in the chemical industry. The growth ambitions of many companies face tough challenges due to rare white spots for new products and new applications, limited market growth and expensive M&A targets.

In addition digitalization is currently significantly enlarging the option space for business model innovation – so it is not surprising, that the topic climbed up the priority list of many management teams.

On the other hand success stories with new ‘high impact’ business models are rare.

Learn on this training which business model innovation types are relevant in the chemical industry, how projects the can be developed and executed internally vs externally. The overall goal of the training is to increase the judgement competency of the participants by explaining opportunities and risks.

The training is mainly build based on case examples from the chemical industry and if required also from other industries with more experience in business model innovation. The agenda leaves enough space to discuss specific cases of the participants.

With project examples from the chemical industry and from our consortium project with 20 chemical companies all participants get many ideas to apply for the ‘own’ company.

Our senior trainers can customize the training and go deeper in the topics which are most important for the training participants.


  • What is Industry 4.0?
  • How does I4.0 create – or destroy – value in companies?
  • Why are business model innovation and digitalization connected?
  • Which types of business models are relevant in the chemical industry?
  • What are the best practices of the most relevant types?
  • Internal projects or corporate venturing?
  • How to set up and manage a business model innovation project?
  • Where will the journey of digital transformation be going?
  • How to manage the change process?
  • How to overcome major implementation challenges?
  • Case examples
  • Exercises


Ca 6-7 hours, typically between 9-10 am and 5-6 pm to allow early arrival and late departure.

Who should attend

Role: Managers from the chemicals or other process industries

Industry: Chemical industry and other process industries

Company size: Large corporations, mid-sized companies

Functions: Business manager, innovation manager, corporate development, portfolio manager

Language: Training can be held in English and German

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